2020 Mini Grant Recipients
Name | School | Project Title | Amt Awarded |
Lisa Fulford | PSE | Give Me A Break! A Sensory Hallway Break | 1,000.00 |
Orissa DePass | JHH | Bilingual is Beautiful! | 990.00 |
Jessica Kiser | PSE | Handbell Choir | 1,000.00 |
Orissa DePass | JHH | Scholastic News | 655.00 |
Eric Asbury | CJH | Power Ball Education | 955.00 |
Stephanie Tyler | FSE | Learning by Design | 300.00 |
Heather Webb | CJH | Glow Math Celebration | 410.00 |
Debbie Miller | FSE | Amazing Space Race | 290.00 |
Victoria Marshall | DMS | MATHletics | 1,000.00 |
Katy King | DMS | Empty Bowls: The Need Continues | 800.00 |
Katy King | DMS | Potraits of Conyers | 970.00 |
Tara Thieleke | RCHS | Art Through the Ages | 1,000.00 |
Total | $9,370.00 |